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  1. Francisco Cuervo y Valdés (16 June 1651 – 1714) was a Spanish politician who governed Nuevo León (1687-1688), Nueva Extremadura (1698–1703), New Philippines (1698–1702), and Santa Fe de Nuevo México (1704–1707).

  2. Francisco Cuervo y Valdés (1651-1714) fue un político español que gobernó Nuevo León, Coahuila (1698-1703), Texas (1698-1702) y Nuevo México (1704-1707). Como gobernador de Texas, promovió el establecimiento de misiones. 1 Al llegar a Nuevo México encontró a los colonos y los indios pueblos siendo acosados por apaches y navajos.

  3. In 1706 provincial governor Don Francisco Cuervo y Valdés ordered that a Spanish garrison (the future Albuquerque) be established near the Tiwa pueblos. By Spanish law, to gain recognition as a village, the new settlement was required to have a population of 30 Spanish families.

  4. Cuervo y Valdes was a Knight of Santiago and a Treasury official in Guadalajara. He emigrated to Americas in 1678. There, he was infantry captain and lieutenant governor in Sonora. In 1698, Cuervo served also as lieutenant governor of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila (both located in the modern Mexico).

  5. Cuervo y Valdés, Francisco. Llamero, partido de Candamo, jurisdicción de la Villa de Grado (Asturias), 16.VI.1651 – Ciudad de México (México), 23.IV.1714. Militar, gobernador de Nuevo México y fundador de la ciudad de Alburquerque.

  6. Francisco Cuervo y Valdes, soldier and administrator, served the Span ish Crown for almost forty years on the northern frontier of New Spain, from 1678 until about 1715.

  7. He was the governor of New Mexico for ten years, twice the normal term of office and his death was bound to cause some distress. [ 1] Francisco Cuervo y Valdes was appointed to replace Vargas. Cuervo was able to continue the orderly flow of government.