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  1. 遼闊的世界 與戰友們一起走透透吧! 劍靈的世界無論是單獨戰鬥或團隊狩獵都需掌握瞬間格鬥與對戰技巧面對未來持續的挑戰您將成為人人敬仰的武林高手. 輕功. 合擊技. 比武. 野外. Back. Next.

  2. The Official English community of Blade and Soul Taiwan.

  3. Begin a heroic journey to confront dark forces and seek vengeance as a master of the martial arts in Blade & Soul, the free-to-play MMORPG.

  4. 《劍靈 Blade & Soul是由擁有東方品味和世界觀畫作作品及NCsoft頂級遊戲製作團隊製作的新型大型網路角色扮演遊戲MMORPG);充分打造東方幻想世界所有場景都兼具大規模和小細節的革命性畫質完全突破現有遊戲的極限透過連續打擊見招拆招反擊必殺等即時動作充分再現傳奇的極致移動動作高品質故...

  5. Introducing a new contender in action MMOs with enriched gameplay · Interactive battle actions at the pinnacle of MMORPGs Website :

  6. 劍靈 Blade & Soul. 176,174 likes · 54 talking about this. BNS Taiwan.

  7. Bns Taiwan - some guidance. hello, Returning to BnS Tw ( 天下無敵/tianxia wudi server), after a very long time. Decided to come back since I heard about the Soul Boost event. My gear is badly outdated, managed to get Grand Celestials SS from story completion. Just started on the soul boost.