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  1. to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage. 欺骗,蒙骗;隐瞒. The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. 该公司用旧计算机冒充新机器欺骗顾客。 The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. 关门声让我以为他们已经出门了。 同义词. trick. deceive yourself.

  2. to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage. 欺騙,矇騙;隱瞞. The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. 該公司用舊電腦冒充新機器欺騙顧客。 The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. 關門聲讓我以為他們己經出門了。 同義詞. trick. deceive yourself.

  3. 释义. v. 欺骗,蒙骗 ( deceive的过去式和过去分词 ) 大小写变形: DECEIVED. 实用场景例句. 全部. She was absolutely furious at having been deceived. 她受了骗,怒不可遏。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 He deceived her by pretending to be a famous movie star. 他冒充著名电影明星来骗她. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 The magician deceived us by making us think the box was empty. 魔术师让我们以为箱子是空的,让我们上当. 《现代英汉综合大词典》

  4. DECEIVED的意思解釋及翻譯1. past simple and past participle of deceive 2. to persuade someone that something false is the…。了解更多。

  5. 释义. v. 欺骗; 蒙骗(自己) ; 误导. 词态变化. 第三人称单数: deceives; 过去式: deceived; 过去分词: deceived; 现在分词: deceiving; 名词: deceiver; 实用场景例句. 全部. 欺诈. 误导. Her husband had been deceiving her for years. 她丈夫多年来一直在欺骗她。 牛津词典. She deceived him into handing over all his savings. 她把他所有的积蓄都骗了出来。 牛津词典. You're deceiving yourself if you think he'll change his mind.

  6. to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage: The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. Synonym. trick. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. to deceive someone.

  7. to persuade someone that something false is the truth, or to keep the truth hidden from someone for your own advantage. 欺騙,矇騙;隱瞞. The company deceived customers by selling old computers as new ones. 該公司用舊電腦冒充新機器欺騙顧客。 The sound of the door closing deceived me into thinking they had gone out. 關門聲讓我以為他們己經出門了。 Synonym. trick. deceive yourself.