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  1. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World. As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa.

  2. A full 59 countries worldwide are currently considered dictatorial systems. Hard autocracies. The highest level of a dictatorship is the hard autocracy. It concentrates power in a central place and, above all, prevents any rights to freedom and equality.

  3. May 9, 2024 · dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a

  4. › wiki › DictatorshipDictatorship - Wikipedia

    A dictatorship is an autocratic form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, who hold governmental powers with few to no limitations. Politics in a dictatorship are controlled by a dictator, and they are facilitated through an inner circle of elites that includes advisers, generals, and other high-ranking ...

  5. In this article, we’ll examine what countries are still under dictatorship, what types of dictatorships exist and whether there are more dictatorships now than in the past. Dictatorships exist when an individual, a political party, or the military holds all the power within a nation.

  6. Here is a comprehensive, up-to-date list of the current world dictators and authoritarian regimes. In 2022 there are 57 dictatorships in the world. We define a dictator as the ruler of a land rated “Not Free” by the Freedom House in their annual survey of freedom.

  7. Democracy-Dictatorship (DD), index of democracy and dictatorship or simply the DD index or the DD datasets was the binary measure of democracy and dictatorship first proposed by Adam Przeworski et al. (2010), and further developed and maintained by Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland (2009).

  8. As a lethal pandemic, economic and physical insecurity, and violent conflict ravaged the world, democracy’s defenders sustained heavy new losses in their struggle against authoritarian foes, shifting the international balance in favor of tyranny.

  9. Jun 9, 2024 · dictator, in modern political systems, a single person who possesses absolute political power within a country or territory or a member of a small group that exercises such power.

  10. North Korea in 2020 remained one of the most repressive countries in the world. Under the rule of Kim Jong Un, the third leader of the nearly 75-year Kim dynasty, the totalitarian...