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  1. This blog is to document edible plants, fruits & weeds available in Malaysia, and other South-East Asian countries. Mostly tropical plants, but you might find some other plants that might still survive in our climate.

  2. Oct 27, 2020 · A few tips to help you get started in edible balcony gardening in your apartment in Malaysia including where to buy soil & common mistakes. Gourmet luxury travel - Malaysia and the world ic_search

  3. Aug 29, 2020 · Among these are the four edible weeds that are shown here. The first one is the Ironweed aka Kechondong ari (Iban) aka Tambak bukit (Malay) which is actually a Chinese herb for ages, more popular among the Hakka people.

  4. Weeds & More grow edible flowers, garnishes, herbs and vegetables in Malaysias cool-climate highlands for restaurants and hotels in Singapore and Malaysia.

  5. In Malaysia, we’re lucky enough to have support groups that offer help, spaces and lots of fun picnics when you’re planting your first tree or vegetables. The TTDI Edible Project is one, and others include Free Tree Society and Subur .

  6. There are many types of edible wild vegetables and shoots that are sold in local markets. However, there are some leafy vegetables which are more rare than others. Among these are the four edible weeds that are shown here.

  7. Jun 13, 2023 · As such, it’s highly inadvisable to purchase or use cannabis in Malaysia under any circumstances. Malaysia has some of the strictest cannabis laws in the world, and it is illegal to possess, use or supply it. Here’s more information.