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  1. Aterosklerosis biasanya bermula apabila seseorang masih muda dan bertambah buruk dengan usia. [2] . Hampir semua orang terjejas pada usia 65 tahun. [6] . Aterosklerosis ialah penyebab utama kematian dan kecacatan di dunia maju. [9] . Aterosklerosis pertama kali diperjelaskan pada 1575.

  2. Individu dengan arteriosklerosis sering diberi ubat untuk kolesterol tinggi dan tekanan darah tinggi untuk menguruskan pembentukan dan mencegah serangan jantung dan strok. Prosedur pembedahan boleh digunakan untuk membuka penyumbatan yang disebabkan oleh arteriosklerosis.

  3. Arteriosklerosis ialah suatu keadaan yang ditandai dengan kehilangan keelastikan dari arteri atau terjadi pengerasan arteri kerana penebalan dinding pembuluh darah yang akan menyebabkan penyakit jantung degeneratif, strok, dan penyakit arteri lain.

  4. May 5, 2018 · The frequency of coronary atherosclerosis is rapidly increasing and gravely affecting the population of productive people in Malaysia. Data from the Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysia showed that cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounted for 23%–26% of all deaths from 1994 to 2001, thus making it the principle cause of death.

  5. Nov 16, 2021 · Heart disease has been the principal cause of death in Malaysia for the past two decades, chief statistician Mohd Uzir Mahidin said. In a statement on the causes of death in the country, Uzir...

  6. It is relatively uncommon in young adults as compared to the older population. Our objective was to assess the prevalence, demographic distribution, and risk factors for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients less than 45 years of age admitted to a Malaysian tertiary care centre.

  7. Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and in Malaysia.1 Amongst the more developed countries, the highest death rates from coronary heart disease are in the Ukraine and Russian Federation with 718 and 654 deaths per 100,000 population respectively, while the lowest are in South Korea and Japan with 36.5 and 47.0 dea...