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  1. Jun 30, 2003 · smash. can be used any many different forms, i.e. winning, fucking, eating, etc. etc. i smashed that babe i met at the bar last night! i'm about to smash this dinner my mama just cooked! the heat smashed the cavs last week! now i bet dan gilbert is about to smash his fist into the wall!

  2. Aug 31, 2014 · Smashing is a BrE slang which means "very good" or "impressive". Most folks might know this already, due to its use as a catch phrase by various BrE characters in media.

  3. Jan 16, 2024 · While ‘smash’ typically denotes the action of violently breaking or crushing something, its slang usage has taken on a completely different connotation. In this context, ‘smash’ is commonly used to describe engaging in sexual activity, particularly in a casual or one-time manner.

  4. Jan 12, 2024 · Slang words and phrases can be puzzling, to say the least. One slang term that has gained popularity among young people is ‘smash.’ But what does it really mean? In this blog post, we will decode the slang term ‘smash’ and explore its various hidden meanings.

  5. Jan 16, 2024 · What is the general meaning of “smash” in slang? In slang, “smash” is often used to refer to engaging in sexual activity. It can indicate having casual sex with someone without the emotional or romantic connotations typically associated with more committed relationships.

  6. extremely good, attractive, enjoyable, or pleasant: There's a smashing view from her office. Jonathan would make a smashing dad. He looks smashing in his dinner suit. Synonyms. cracking UK informal. dandy US old-fashioned or humorous. great informal. neat (GOOD) mainly US informal. nifty informal. peachy informal. swell US old-fashioned informal.

  7. Slang shortening fab first recorded 1957; popularized in reference to The Beatles, c.1963. Fabulous (often contracted to fab(s)) and fantastic are also in that long list of words which boys and girls use for a time to express high commendation and then get tired of, such as, to go no farther back than the present century, topping, spiffing ...