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  1. Baray ialah kolam besar berbentuk segi empat tepat yang banyak dibina di zaman Empayar Khmer, yang terbesar dibina berdekatan dengan Angkor Wat. Ia berkeupayaan menampung 30 juta meter padu air, dilengkapi dengan alatan untuk mengalirkan air ke saliran-saliran berhampiran dalam skala yang berguna kepada kerajaan Angkor kerana ia mampu menampung ...

  2. Masyarakat kerajaan Angkor membina baray berukuran 2 x 8 kilometer yang dapat menampung 30 juta meter padu air untuk disalurkan ke sawah-sawah padi di sekitarnya. Seni bina kerajaan Angkor yang masyhur ialah Angkor Wat.

  3. Kerajaan Angkor mencapai zaman kegemilangan semasa pemerintahan Suryavarman II. Raja dibantu oleh kerabatnya dalam menjalankan tugas pentadbiran. Pembinaan baray menjadikan kerajaan Angkor mendapat hasil pertanian yang lumayan.

  4. › wiki › West_BarayWest Baray - Wikipedia

    Rectangular in shape and measuring approximately 7.8 by 2.1 kilometers, the West Baray is the largest baray at Angkor and one of the largest handcut water reservoirs on Earth, possessing a current maximum capacity of 12 to 14 billion gallons of water (53 million m 3).

  5. › wiki › BarayBaray - Wikipedia

    A baray ( Khmer: បារាយណ៍) is an artificial body of water which is a common element of the architectural style of the Khmer Empire of Southeast Asia. The largest are the East Baray [1] and West Baray in the Angkor area, each rectangular in shape, oriented east-west and measuring roughly five by one and a half miles.

  6. Jan 3, 2012 · Angkor (Cambodia) was the seat of the Khmer Empire from the 9th to 15th century AD. The site is noted for its monumental architecture and complex hydro-engineering systems, comprised of canals, moats, embankments, and large reservoirs, known as barays.

  7. Aug 26, 2022 · The largest artificial reservoir (8 x 2.2km) in the Angkor Park, called the West Baray is located near Angkor Thom city. In ancient times, the Baray was supplied by fresh water that came from two main sources: The Siem Reap and Puok Rivers.

  8. Jan 20, 2021 · The East Baray (Yasodharatataka) is a vast basin 2 x 7 km that now sits dry. Built in the early 10th century during the reign of King Yasovarman, although a little smaller than the later West Baray, it is believed to have held a staggering 50 million cubic meters of water with a depth of.

  9. Temples of Angkor. The Western Baray, measuring an incredible 8km by 2.3km, was constructed by hand to provide water for the intensive cultivation of lands around Angkor. These enormous barays weren't dug out, but had huge dykes built up around the edges.

  10. Baray adalah kolam besar berbentuk persegi yang banyak dibangun pada zaman Kekaisaran Khmer di Asia Tenggara, yang terbesar dibangun berdekatan dengan Angkor Wat.