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  1. Survey of the Petrobras scandal, Brazilian political corruption scandal beginning in 2014 involving kickbacks from corporations to officials of Petrobras, Brazil’s majority-state-owned oil company, and to politicians, especially members of the ruling Workers’ Party.

  2. Mar 9, 2018 · BRASILIA: Seorang bekas ketua syarikat minyak gergasi Brazil, Petrobras, kelmarin dijatuhi hukuman penjara selama 11 tahun sebagai sebahagian daripada siasatan rasuah begitu meluas yang telah mencemari kebanyakan golongan elit perniagaan dan politik di negara itu.

  3. Mar 7, 2015 · Brazil's Supreme Court has approved the investigation of dozens of politicians for their alleged involvement in a kickback scheme at the state-run oil firm Petrobras.

  4. Jun 1, 2023 · Collor de Mello, 73 menerima suapan kira-kira 30 juta reais (AS$6 juta) daripada anak syarikat Petrobras, milik kerajaan, menurut Mahkamah Agung Brazil pada Khamis. Beliau yang menyandang jawatan presiden Brazil dari Mac 1990 hingga Disember 1992 boleh merayu terhadap hukuman itu.

  5. Sep 27, 2018 · Petrobras has agreed to pay $853.2m in penalties over the “Lava Jato” bribery scandal that rocked Brazil’s establishment and led to a jail sentence for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former...

  6. Mar 31, 2016 · But while the impeachment officially cites allegations that she manipulated the federal budget to disguise a growing deficit, it is a sprawling scandal at Petrobras, the state-owned oil company,...

  7. Oct 4, 2021 · SAO PAULO, Oct 4 (Reuters) - Brazil state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4.SA) said on Monday it has paid $853.2 million to the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities Exchange...