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  1. The Hall-Heroult process is widely used in the extraction of aluminium. In Hall-Heroults process, pure Al 2 O 3 is mixed with CaF 2 or Na 3 AlF 6 . This results in lowering the melting point of the mixture and increases its ability to conduct electricity.

  2. Bauxite is first purified to produce aluminium oxide, Al 2 O 3. Aluminium oxide is then dissolved in molten cryolite. This is because aluminium oxide has a melting point of over 2000 °C which would use a lot of energy and be very expensive.

  3. Learn about electrolysis and extraction of aluminium with BBC Bitesize GCSE Chemistry (WJEC).

  4. › production › how_aluminium_is_producedHow aluminium is produced

    The aluminium production process can be broken down into three stages; first bauxites, which contain aluminium, are extracted from the ground.

  5. The Hall–Héroult process is the major industrial process for smelting aluminium. It involves dissolving aluminium oxide (alumina) (obtained most often from bauxite, aluminium 's chief ore, through the Bayer process) in molten cryolite and electrolyzing the molten salt bath, typically in a purpose-built cell.

  6. Aluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from its oxide, alumina, generally by the Hall-Héroult process. Alumina is extracted from the ore bauxite by means of the Bayer process at an alumina refinery .

  7. Early use and extraction. Before 5000 bce people in Mesopotamia were making fine pottery from a clay that consisted largely of an aluminum compound, and almost 4,000 years ago Egyptians and Babylonians used aluminum compounds in various chemicals and medicines.

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