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  1. The extrastriate cortex is the region of the occipital cortex of the mammalian brain located next to the primary visual cortex. Primary visual cortex (V1) is also named striate cortex because of its striped appearance in the microscope.

  2. The clinical description of selective visual deficits after localized damage to various regions of extrastriate cortex also supports functional specialization of extrastriate visual areas in humans.

  3. Jan 1, 2024 · Learn about the definition, characteristics, and organization of extrastriate visual cortex, a large network of cortical areas and zones that process visual information beyond primary visual cortex. Explore the anatomical, physiological, and functional properties of extrastriate cortex and its subdivisions in different lobes.

  4. The extrastriate cortex is involved in the analysis of specific attributes of visual stimuli (e.g., color, form, movement, and binocular disparity). Visual information is progressively decomposed as it is channeled through processing streams.

  5. Extrastriate visual cortex comprises a mosaic of anatomically and physiologically distinct areas which occupy a broad belt of cortex outside the striate area (area 17, or VI). These areas receive their major visual input directly or indirectly from striate cortex and...

  6. These areas are known collectively as “extrastriate visual cortex”. Mapping the boundaries, organization, and projections of these visual areas is a difficult challenge, in part because the primate cerebral cortex is highly folded into sulci and gyri.

  7. Sep 18, 2001 · Neuronal activity in area MT of the extrastriate visual cortex is correlated with the choices monkeys make on perceptual tasks. New evidence suggests that this correlation is stronger on some tasks than others.