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  1. If you’re interested and want to buy some of these glow-in-the-dark fish for your community aquarium, keep reading. Today, I’ll cover all the 5 types of glofish you can choose from. From behavior to diet, to habitat, and tankmates, I’ll tell you everything you need to decide which strain works best for your aquarium.

  2. Oct 25, 2021 · While they don't actually glow in the dark, their bright colors do fluoresce under blue light and make them quite colorful, just like saltwater reef fish. Now, besides zebra danios ( Danio rerio ), there are tiger barbs ( Puntigrus tetrazona ) and tetras ( Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) that have been genetically modified to carry the bright color genes.

  3. GloFish ® are an extremely popular fish among beginners because of their stunning rainbow colors, energetic behavior, and resilient ability to live in a wide range of water conditions. Find out how they got their fluorescent glow and how to care for them so they live a long and healthy life.

  4. Feb 11, 2024 · Have you ever seen those brightly colored, almost glowing fish in aquariums and wondered what they are? Meet Glofish, a genetically modified freshwater species that has taken the aquarium hobby by storm.

  5. › what-makes-glofish-glowWhat Makes GloFish Glow?

    Their unique coloring makes them appear to ‘glow in the dark’ and has piqued the interest of many aquarium hobbyists. But what makes them glow, exactly? The fluorescent color in GloFish is created by an inherited bio-luminescent protein gene that is passed down from generation to generation.

  6. May 14, 2023 · Glow in the dark betta fish, also known as fluorescent or neon bettas, are a popular variety of betta fish that have a unique and striking appearance. These fish have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their eye-catching appearance and the fact that they are easy to care for.

  7. Jan 24, 2024 · GloFish are genetically modified fish known for their unique ability to glow in vibrant colors, making them a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. This remarkable feature is achieved through the insertion of specific genes that encode for fluorescent proteins into their DNA.