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  1. Apr 20, 2022 · Download Logo Halal Indonesia Terbaru Format PNG dan PSD. April 20, 2022. Pemerintah melalui Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPB) menetapkan label halal yang baru yang nantinya harus ada pada kemasan produk dan jasa yang telah ditentukan oleh Pemerintah.

  2. Mar 12, 2022 · Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH) Kementerian Agama menetapkan label halal yang berlaku secara nasional. Penetapan label halal tersebut dituangkan dalam Keputusan Kepala BPJPH Nomor 40 Tahun 2022 tentang Penetapan Label Halal.

  3. Mar 14, 2022 · The purple logo depicts Arabic calligraphy that reads “halal” and forms a Gunungan (Javanese: mountain), a figure used to open and close Javanese puppet-shadow performance. The Jokowi administration passed the Law on Halal Product Assurance on October 17, 2014, to provide the legal basis for a new halal regime fully controlled by the ...

  4. Aug 14, 2020 · In Indonesia, there is currently only one recognized halal logo, namely the MUI Halal logo. This logo is already known and recognized by various halal certification bodies in the world. To be precise, there are 45 Overseas Halal Certification Bodies (LSHLN) from 26 countries that have been recognized by the MUI.

  5. Logo Halal Indonesia diganti menjadi label berwarna ungu dengan tulisan Arab berbunyi 'Halal', dengan tulisan HALAL Indonesia di bahagian bawahnya. Sementara itu, Menteri Agama, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, menegaskan bahawa akan tiba satu tahap di mana label halal milik MUI tidak akan diterima pakai lagi.

  6. Feb 7, 2024 · After registering and receiving a halal certificate, businesses shall include the halal logo in the container box for shipping purposes to show that the logistics or distribution activities conducted by the businesses are compliant with the Halal Certification Regulation.

  7. May 13, 2024 · Setelah mengetahui pentingnya logo halal bagi konsumen, mari bahas sepuluh negara dengan sertifikasi halalnya berikut ini: 1. Indonesia – Logo Sertifikasi Halal MUI. Logo halal dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) ini mendapatkan pembaruan dari BPJPH (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal) Kementerian Agama.

  8. Galeri. Selengkapnya. Pertemuan BPJPH dengan SFDA. BPJPH Kembali Terima 2 Rekor MURI Pada Opening DEV-X Kemenag RI. Pertemuan Kepala BPJPH dengan Dubes Arab Saudi. Kampanye Wajib Sertifikasi Halal 2024. Launching Kantin Halal BPJPH. Festival Halal Indonesia 2022.

  9. May 13, 2024 · 1. Indonesia – MUI Halal Certification Logo. The halal logo from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) received an update from BPJPH (Halal Product Guarantee Organizing Agency) of the Ministry of Religion. The halal logo applies nationally with the logo display adopting the shape of a wayang.

  10. Mar 14, 2022 · For many years, Indonesian Muslims have relied on a halal logo by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) — the highest clerical body in the nation — for their consumption needs. MUI’s logo is arguable more straightforward — like many other countries’ halal logos, it prominently features an unambiguous Arabic text for the word halal.