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  1. Of the many fine places to part with your money at the Starhill Gallery, the Jim Thompson boutique is one of the most uniquely Asian. Named after the American businessman who revitalized the silk trade in the 1950s, this boutique sells only the finest hand-crafted silk products from Thailand.

  2. Oct 28, 2012 · The Jim Thompson Tea Room looks over the verdant fairways and giant pines of the Cameron Highlands golf course. Glaucous hill peaks protruding through the mist provide the backdrop, while soft celestial music streaming from surround sound speakers hints at the mystery encircling the heights.

  3. Jim Thompson是一名泰国丝绸大王但是在金马仑离奇失踪。 他当时候就是住在这家民宿的Moonlight Cottage,而晚餐后到树林散步后就一去不回头了,至今仍未找到他的尸首。

  4. Jim Thompson is an American Thai silk king who mysteriously disappeared in Cameron. He stayed at Moonlight B&B cottage and took a walk after dinner but never did return. Moonlight Bungalow was then named Jim Thompson Cottage to his honor.

  5. Apr 26, 2024 · Jim Thompson Tea Room terletak di Cameron Highlands Resort, sebuah hotel bersejarah yang menggabungkan gaya kolonial Inggris dengan sentuhan Asia. Di sini, anda akan merasai suasana yang tenang dan indah di Jim Thompson Tea Room. Anda boleh menikmati pelbagai pilihan teh eksklusif serta menu makanan yang lazat.


    Jim also acquired a diverse collection of Thai art. By the late 1950’s, his collection was so extensive that he built a place to house his splendid antique collection. In 1959, Thompson’s famous House on the Klong, made up of six old teak wood houses in Bangkok (Banh Krua) and Ayutthaya province (Pak Hai), was completed.

  7. Mar 16, 2013 · The Jim Thompson Tea Room is beside the Highlands Bar at Cameron Highlands Resort. So a glass or two or three of wine is never too far away here. Thanks a million to YTLs kind people for inviting us up & hosting this weekend stay.