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  1. Mar 15, 2018 · Postinor-2, commonly known as the morning after pill, is used only as an emergency contraceptive. It is used to prevent pregnancy when taken within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected intercourse. It is not used as a regular, long-term method of contraception.

  2. Postinor-2 adalah kontraseptif kecemasan sahaja. Postinor-2 tidak dimaksudkan sebagai kaedah kontrasepsi biasa. Ia digunakan untuk mengelakkan kehamilan apabila diambil dalam tempoh 72 jam hubungan seks tanpa perlindungan. Dianggarkan bahawa Postinor-2 akan menghalang 85% kehamilan yang diharapkan. 95% kehamilan yang dijangkakan akan dicegah ...

  3. Aug 19, 2022 · Postinor 2 is an emergency contraceptive pill. Postinor 2 is designed to prevent pregnancy when consumed in the right dosage after having an unprotected sex. This article explains how Postinor 2 works, its correct dosage, side effects, when and how to use.

  4. Postinor 2 adalah obat kontrasepsi darurat yang diminum setelah berhubungan seks tanpa pengaman, termasuk saat menyadari adanya kerusakan kondom.

  5. Postinor-2. levonorgestrel. Concise Prescribing Info. Contents. Levonorgestrel. Indications/Uses. Emergency postcoital contraception. Click to view Postinor-2 detailed prescribing information. Dosage/Direction for Use. 2 tab w/in 12 hr & not later than 72 hr after unprotected intercourse. Click to view Postinor-2 detailed prescribing information.

  6. Postinor adalah kontraseptif kecemasan yang mengandungi levonorgestrel (progesterone). Ia mengurangkan risiko kehamilan selepas seks tanpa perlindungan. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih tentang aEfek dan Cara Minum Postinor 2, sila lawati laman kami di

  7. Postinor-2 tablet is an emergency contraceptive preparation that can be used within 72 hours (3 days) of unprotected sex or if your usual contraceptive method has failed. How Postinor-2 works. Postinor-2 tablet contains a synthetic hormone-like active substance called levonorgestrel.

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