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  1. Suresh Shannon Cyril Xavier, 31, who was arrested in Labuan on Monday, pleaded not guilty to all three charges before Sessions judge Alaudeen Ismail yesterday.

  2. Feb 24, 2022 · Born Suresh Shannon Cyril Xavier in 1976, Halim Shah converted to Islam soon after he was charged with three counts of cheating three people. What did he cheat them of? He posed as a bogus flying school instructor and led the victims to believe that his school was licenced to train pilots (Read the full report here ).

  3. Feb 17, 2022 · In the first charge, Suresh Shannon Cyril Xavier, 31, allegedly cheated Kelvin Mohan Thambiduray 20, into believing that the Youth and Sports Ministry would sponsor RM100,000 for each student who wished to pursue PPL, CPL and ATPL courses at his school known as Youth and Sports Experimental Aircraft Association (YSEAA).

  4. Jun 21, 2007 · In the first charge, Suresh Shannon Cyril Xavier, 31, allegedly cheated Kelvin Mohan Thambiduray 20, into believing that the Youth and Sports Ministry would sponsor RM100,000 for each student who wished to pursue PPL, CPL and ATPL courses at his school known as Youth and Sports Experimental Aircraft Association (YSEAA).

  5. A former flying school operator was charged Thursday with cheating three individuals into believing that the Department of Civil Aviation had issued a license to his company to train would be pilots.

  6. On Feb 11, prominent businessman Datuk Suresh Shannon was admitted to Seremban Hospital after he suffered a slip disc due to an earlier fall.

  7. Mar 3, 2022 · The long-storied career of Halim Shannon Shah knows no bounds – take a look at his current target and teat: UMNO politicians. Knowing that his reputation was in tatters due to his previous escapades as Shannon, he quickly chose a new identity as Halim Shah, complete with doctorates and multiple Datukships to boot (all fake of course).