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  1. Jul 2, 2024 · D) A clientele effect exists which causes a firm's shareholders to receive the dividends that they expect. B) Investors are generally risk averse and attach less risk to current dividends than future dividends or capital gains.

  2. Mar 28, 2022 · The clientele effect is a change in share price due to corporate decision-making that triggers investors' reactions. A change in policy that is viewed by shareholders as...

  3. What is the Clientele Effect? The clientele effect is a theory which states that different policies attract different types of investors, and changes to the policies will cause a shift in demand for the company’s stock by investors, impacting its share price.

  4. Apr 19, 2024 · The clientele effect is a financial theory that suggests that changes in a companys dividend policy or capital structure can result in shifts within its shareholder base. Essentially, different groups of investors are drawn to companies with specific financial policies.

  5. The clientele effect refers to the idea that certain types of investors are attracted to particular types of securities or investment vehicles. For example, a company that issues a high-yield bond may attract a different type of investor than a company that issues a low-risk, low-yield bond.

  6. Mar 12, 2024 · The clientele effect examines the effect of a change in business policies on share prices. The theory holds that market fluctuations are primarily due to the clientele's perception of organizational policies.

  7. Mar 20, 2024 · The clientele effect, a market phenomenon impacting stock prices, delves into how investor demands respond to changes in a company’s policies, such as taxes or dividends.