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  1. Apr 27, 2022 · Learn how the Allies divided Germany into four occupation zones after WWII, and how the Cold War led to a permanent split between East and West Germany. Explore the causes, consequences and controversies of the Berlin Blockade and the Iron Curtain.

  2. Learn how Germany was divided into occupation zones by the Allies after World War II and how the Cold War shaped its political and economic development. Explore the context, resources and documents related to the division of Germany on the CVCE website.

  3. With the beginning of the Cold War, the remaining territory of Germany was divided between the Western Bloc led by the United States, and the Eastern Bloc led by the USSR. Two separate German countries emerged:

  4. 4 days ago · Germany - Partition, Reunification, Cold War: Following the German military leaders’ unconditional surrender in May 1945, the country lay prostrate. The German state had ceased to exist, and sovereign authority passed to the victorious Allied powers.

  5. Apr 17, 2023 · Germany was officially divided into two separate states in 1949 after the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), commonly known as West Germany. The FRG was formed out of the three western zones of occupation, which were controlled by the United States, Great Britain, and France.

  6. May 25, 2024 · For purposes of occupation, the Americans, British, French, and Soviets divided Germany into four zones. The American, British, and French zones together made up the western two-thirds of Germany, while the Soviet zone comprised the eastern third.

  7. Sep 28, 2010 · Summary. “The future of Germany was the question of questions and had to be looked at in its own terms. It was Germany that twice in a quarter-century had generated world war,” wrote Walt W. Rostow in 1972, when he analyzed the unfolding of the Cold War in Germany.