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  1. Aries · March 21 - April 19

    • Today's horoscope for Aries

      Today is perfect for putting big projects in motion, especially if they involve the law or other serious business. Your head is in the right place to take care of it all with the gravity it deserves.

    • This week's horoscope for Aries

      This week, something ends and something new begins. The week begins on Sunday, September 29, when Mars in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces and your house of hidden talents and secret abilities. Today, you are willing to do something difficult. This is a good time to practice the piano, your martial arts kata, or a new cake decorating techni...

    • This month's horoscope for Aries

      Reset Your Routine A complete life overhaul may be in order for you dear Aries, as the sun moves through your house of daily routine, health and service for the majority of the month. It’s time to take a close look at how you are spending your days so that you can streamline and make improvements where necessary, starting with your financ...
