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  1. Sep 24, 2024 · Ever modest, Joshua hangs back as Moses leads him by the hand in this 15th-century stained-glass panel from the Church of St. Lawrence in Nuremberg, Germany. For Elie Wiesel, Joshua is a sad, troubled character despite his successes in battle and his unfailing devotion to Moses and God. Lacking experience in war, Joshua is sent by Moses to ...

  2. Jun 7, 2024 · According to the biblical text, Gilgal was the campsite of the Israelites when they first crossed the Jordan River (Joshua 4–5). Having crossed the river, they erected 12 standing stones at the site, and many later biblical texts mention sacrifices that were performed at the same location (1 Samuel 10:8; Hosea 12:12; Amos 4:4). Indeed ...

  3. Aug 6, 2024 · From the Book of Joshua in Hebrew and the richly detailed video production of La tierra prometida in Spanish and Portuguese, Rahab is depicted as a kind, caring, brave woman, who had to balance daily dangers with faith. She and her family were protected from any destruction during the fall of Jericho. She converted to Judiasim and married Salmon, one of the Hebrew scouts she saved in Jericho ...

  4. Mar 16, 2023 · In summary, although many still reject this as the Biblical altar referenced in Joshua 8:30, others think there might be a relationship between it and the Biblical tradition. Further, many now accept the cultic nature of the Mt. Ebal site. Israeli archaeologist Amihai Mazar writes, “Zertal may be wrong in the details of his interpretation, but it is tempting to accept his view concerning the ...

  5. Aug 1, 2013 · He excavated the site for several seasons (between 1982 and 1989) and in a series of academic, semi-popular and popular articles,* as well as in chapters of a popular book on his understanding of the development of early Israel, he argued that the site was an Israelite cultic site, and that it can be equated with the altar that Joshua built on Mt. Ebal, as described in the Bible (Joshua 8:30 ...

  6. Apr 29, 2022 · While Joshua 13 makes a passing reference to Balaam being killed alongside the enemies of Israel, the other mentions go further and completely reinterpret his narrative. In Balaam’s original narrative in Numbers 22–24, he is presented as a reliable spokesperson for the divine. However, the references to Balaam in Deuteronomy, Joshua 24, and Nehemiah claim that he set out to intentionally ...

  7. Apr 4, 2024 · In Joshua 16:10, 21:21; and Judges 1:29; we find that Gezer was portioned as half-Jewish priests with their families and half-Canaanite. The Babylonian language entered the land with distinction in ca. 1450 B.C. with the invasion of Chushanrishathamin (Judges 3:8) , and remained the language of trade from 1450 B.C. until ca. 1211 B.C., some 239 years later. This example we see again with the ...

  8. Feb 15, 2023 · The Destruction of the Canaanites: God, Genocide, and Biblical Interpretation. By Charlie Trimm. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2022), xxx + 117 pp., maps and photos, $14.99 (paperback) Reviewed by Ronald S. Hendel. The biblical command to destroy the Canaanites is troubling. In Deuteronomy 7:1-2, Moses instructs the Israelites: “When YHWH your ...

  9. Jun 15, 2022 · Eleazar’s name precedes Joshua’s in many passages, a textual hint that at that time, he may have been the more prominent (Joshua 17:4; 19:51; 21:1). The Book of Joshua ends with the deaths and burials of these leaders. Joshua dies at age 110; the biblical text notes he was buried in the hill country of Ephraim (Joshua 24:29–30). Eleazar ...

  10. Aug 8, 2024 · Joshua 14:15, Arba is called the “greatest man among the Anakites.” In Joshua 15:13 it says that Arba was the father of Anak. The Anakites which in Hebrew is “Anakim” are described in the Hebrew Bible as giants. The Rephaim we’re going to assume is referring to a strong, tall race of people who lived in the land of Canaan. The Emim were a tall race, known to the Israelites as the ...

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