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  1. The culture of Malaysia is diverse and a melange of influences from both the east and the west. With an eclectic population spanning various ethnic groups, Malaysia is a glorious melting pot of traditions and practices spanning generations.

  2. Jul 26, 1999 · Malaysia - Culture, Cuisine, Traditions: Malaysia has a rich cultural life, much of which revolves around the traditional festivities of its diverse population. The major Muslim holidays are Hari Raya Puasa (“Holiday of Fasting”), or Aidilfitri (ʿĪd al-Fiṭr), to celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, and Hari Raya Haji (“Holiday of the Pilgrimage”), or Aidiladha (ʿĪd ...

  3. Malaysia is a multi–ethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society, and the many ethnic groups in Malaysia maintain separate cultural identities. The society of Malaysia has been described as "Asia in miniature". The original culture of the area stemmed from its indigenous tribes, along with the Malays who moved there in ancient times. Substantial influence exists from the Chinese and ...

  4. Feb 17, 2018 · Malaysia is generally safe, friendly, and honest. This means that food vendors won’t try to extra-charge you for being a tourist, and if you drop a RM50 ($12) note, you’ll usually get it back.That said, Malaysians are also quick to tell you what they think, especially if they think you’re an idiot.

  5. In Malaysian culture, pantang larang, or taboos, play a crucial role in shaping societal behavior and reinforcing cultural norms. These taboos, ranging from superstitions to unwritten rules, serve as a means to promote social cohesion and maintain order within the community.

  6. Apr 2, 2019 · The Southeast Asian country of Malaysia has great cultural diversity. Indigenous tribes, Malays, Chinese, and Indians have all contributed to the culture of the country. Significant influences of Persian, British, and Arabic cultures are also be seen in Malaysian culture.

  7. By Keith Hockton. The Malays. The Malays inhabit the Malay Peninsula; eastern Sumatra; the southernmost parts of Thailand; the south coast of Burma; the island of Singapore; coastal Borneo, including Brunei, West Kalimantan, and coastal Sarawak and Sabah, plus the smaller islands that lie between these locations.

  8. Identification. Within Malaysian society there is a Malay culture, a Chinese culture, an Indian culture, a Eurasian culture, along with the cultures of the indigenous groups of the peninsula and north Borneo.

  9. Sep 5, 2014 · Photo credit: CeeKay’s Pix / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) Malaysians are a unique bunch of individuals. Although collectively made up of people from different races and creeds, we all share certain similarities that inherently make us Malaysian.

  10. This post is also available in: Melayu (Malay) 简体中文 (Chinese (Simplified)) Culture of Malaysia: A Nation of Mixed Cultures . Multi-racial Society. Malaysia is blessed with a multi-racial society consisting mainly Malays, Chinese and Indians.

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