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  1. Herbert Clark Hoover ( 10. srpna 1874 – 20. října 1964) byl americký politik a 31. prezident USA v letech 1929 – 1933 . Byl to syn kvakerů, přistěhovalců z Německa a Švýcarska. Jeho rodiče zemřeli, když byl Herbert ještě mladý – otec Jesse v roce 1880 a matka Hulda Minthorn o tři roky později.

  2. Mar 6, 2024 · Herbert Hoover hesitated when President-Elect Warren G. Harding offered to make him Secretary of Commerce in 1921. At the time Hoover headed the American Relief Administration, which provided critical aid to countries in need in the wake of the First World War. Friends advised Hoover to turn the new position down.

  3. Herbert C. Hoover. Thirty-First President, 1929-1933. Campaign: Running on a progressive platform, Herbert C. Hoover was enormously popular. His economic acuity was especially respected as he had established his capable good judgment during his tenure as secretary of commerce for both Harding and Coolidge. Challenges:

  4. Hoover was hired by British mining firm of Bewick, Moreing & Co. On Janin's recommendation, Herbert Hoover received a job offer from British mining firm of Bewick, Moreing & Co. After accepting, he traveled to London and finally to Australia. Photo # 31-al-47-62.

  5. Hoover was the last president whose term ended on March 3. Thereafter all presidential terms began and ended on January 20. Hoover's presidency began amidst grand optimism as the prosperity of the ...

  6. Herbert Hoover: Life in Brief. Upon accepting the Republican nomination for President in 1928, Herbert Hoover predicted that "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing from among us." Hoover won the presidency that year, but his time in office belied ...

  7. 20. listopada 1964. 4. ožujka 1929. – 4. ožujka 1933. Herbert Clark Hoover ( 10. kolovoza 1874. – 20. listopada 1964.) je bio američki rudarski inženjer, humanitarni aktivist i političar, najpoznatiji po tome što je bio 31. predsjednik SAD, odnosno po tome što je za vrijeme njegovog mandata izbila Velika ekonomska kriza .

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