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  1. Shi ji (Records of the grand historian), the first biographical general history of China, was compiled by Sima Qian, the Western Han historian, who devoted his entire life to this endeavor. Sima Qian (circa 145-86 BC), courtesy name Zichang, a native of Xiayang (present-day Hancheng, Shaanxi), was an official at the court of Emperor Wu (also known as Han Wudi, reigned 140-87 BC), as a palace ...

  2. 司马迁(前145或前135年—?),字子长,中国西汉伟大的史学家、文学家、思想家。继父司马谈之职任太史令。左冯翊夏阳(今陕西韩城南)人。著有《史记》《悲士不遇赋》《太史公自序》等。少年时随父司马谈读书,并从董仲舒受学《春秋》,向孔安国问疑《尚书》。二十岁出游,历经长江 ...

  3. Feb 5, 2014 · Illustration. by ZazaPress. published on 05 February 2014. Download Full Size Image. Painted portrait of Sima Qian (c. 145-86 BCE). Although he is commonly referred to as a Chinese historian, he was actually the Grand Astrologer at the court of Emperor Wu of Han (r. 141 and 87 BCE). Remove Ads. Advertisement.

  4. Buku sejarah ini ditulis oleh Sima Qian yang merupakan sejarawan termasyhur Tiongkok. Ia menghabiskan waktu 18 tahun untuk menyelesaikan karya ini mulai dari tahun 109 SM sampai 91 SM . Setelah Catatan Sejarawan Agung dibuat, sejarawan dari tiap-tiap dinasti berikutnya menulis sejarah sesuai dengan pola yang dibuat oleh Sima Qian.

  5. Sima Qian ( chinois traditionnel : 司馬遷, simplifié : 司马迁, pinyin : Sīmǎ Qiān, EFEO Sseu-ma Ts’ien, transcription de Chavannes Se Ma T'sien) ( 145 av. J.-C. - 86 av. J.-C.) est un historien chinois, le premier à avoir tenté de décrire l' histoire de la Chine depuis sa création. Tous les historiens impériaux chinois se sont ...

  6. Shimu Qian graduated with EMBA of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He was the vice president of Beijing Qiankun Technology Electronics Co., Ltd. and the assistant president of Beijing Henderson Products Co., Ltd. He founded Taihe Music Group and serves as Chairman of the Board. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Taihe Rye.

  7. In Father of Chinese History, Esther Klein explores the life and work of the great Han dynasty historian Sima Qian as seen by readers from the Han to the Song dynasties. Today Sima Qian is viewed as both a tragic hero and a literary genius. Premodern responses to him were more equivocal: the complex personal emotions he expressed prompted ...