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  1. In Sunshine And In Shadow: The family story of Danny Boy By Anthony Mann

  2. "The morally complex interrelationship of hero/villain, which is partially accountable for the remarkable intensity of his films, has at its roots the film noirs of the 1940s. The darker side of human nature, the interiority of these earlier, psychologically troubled characters, is the determining force in Mann's noirs. We see the director striving for the depth and complexity of ...

  3. The partnership between Jimmy Stewart and Anthony Mann produced eight remarkable films in just six years during the Golden Age of Westerns. Disagreements over the film Night Passage sparked a rift ...

  4. Emil Anton Bundesmann, conegut artísticament com a Anthony Mann (San Diego, 30 de juny de 1907 - Berlín, 29 d'abril de 1967) fou un director de cinema nord-americà.Excel·lent dominador del llenguatge cinematogràfic, la seva activitat més important se centrà en el western durant els anys 50, gènere que va ressorgir gràcies a ell i que el situaren entre els més grans directors de ...

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  6. Beautiful westerns made by Mann. A great director !!! A trapper and his two partners work as scouts for a remote army fort where they witness an incompetent colonel's decision to throw his small unprepared garrison against Red Cloud's sizable Sioux force.

  7. Anthony Mann: Visual Style Visual style: Deep perspective, down corridors or streets Some shots combine deep perspective, with large flat objects in the back of the image, that are parallel to the screen frame.