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  1. Oct 30, 2020 · Every state has its own urban legend.While some stories, like Washington state's Bigfoot, have entered mainstream pop culture, others have stayed local, like the poisoned girl at Centennial Hall ...

  2. Sep 11, 2019 · As urban legend goes, in 1848 Elleck and his wife, Betsy, both slaves, were in their home one night when their master, drunk and belligerent, crashed open the door. He attempted to attack Betsy ...

  3. Oct 19, 2020 · Though urban myths are naturally imaginative, some of these scary urban legends have been supported by the sincere accounts of multiple people. Take the case of Mothman, for example. In 1966, a slew of rural West Virginians all separately witnessed a 10-foot, tailed creature flying between the trees.

  4. Oct 12, 2021 · Whether you are seeking scary stories for the Halloween season or simply looking for hair-raising tales, Japan’s urban legends have you covered. These stories have vague origins and are told as truth, since they cannot be confirmed or disproved, heightening their horror.

  5. Mar 28, 2022 · Japanese urban legends are age-old stories that are spread in the Land of the Rising Sun. Simple rumors, warnings, or real facts... these Japanese horror stories are absolutely terrifying. Dare you to read them? 🥶 1.

  6. Metro stations around the world often have urban legends surrounding them, and the one 'haunted' representative of Shanghai would be Caobao Lu Station. With its 'inauspicious' geographic location near Longhua Mortuary (allegedly, the women's staff toilets used to be right next to a hospital morgue) and platforms that seem a little too narrow ...

  7. Jun 10, 2013 · An urban legend is a modern fictional tale that passes from one person to another. They are told as the truth, but most of them end up being mostly, if not totally, false. They are told as the truth, but most of them end up being mostly, if not totally, false.

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