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  1. Gerald Ford se rodio 14. srpnja 1913. godine u obitelji Leslieja Lyncha Kinga i Dorothy Ayer Gardner.Po rođenju je dobio ime Leslie Lynch King Jr. Međutim, pet mjeseci kasnije majka mu se razvela od oca, a dvije godine kasnije udala za Geralda Forda.

  2. Gerald Ford, who had never entered a national election, succeeded to both the vice presidency and the presidency without having received a single vote.

  3. Biography of the President. GERALD R. FORD, 38th President of the United States, was born in Omaha, Nebraska, July 14, 1913. He attended public schools in Grand Rapids, Michigan; received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan in 1935; and an LL.B. from Yale University Law School in 1941.

  4. Gerald Ford blev døbt Leslie Lynch King Jr., men da hans forældre blev skilt to uger efter Geralds fødsel og moderen siden giftede sig med Gerald Ford, Senior, begyndte de at kalde drengen Gerald.

  5. Upon Ford's death, President George W. Bush said in a written statement: . Laura and I are greatly saddened by the passing of former President Gerald R. Ford. President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country.

  6. Gerald R. Ford became President of the United States on August 9, 1974, under extraordinary circumstances. Owing to the Watergate scandal, Ford's predecessor, Richard Nixon, had resigned under the threat of congressional impeachment.

  7. A Time To Heal: Gerald Ford's America. A 20-minute film about the life and times of President Gerald R. Ford. This film is shown daily at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

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