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  1. National Chengchi University (NCCU) was founded in 1927. Over the past 8 decades through re-formation and development, we have been upholding our motto, “Harmony, Independence, Balance and Preeminence”, and have continued to refine our teaching methods and research in order to nurture talent for our country and society.

  2. Associate Professor of Marketing at National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, Taiwan · 工作經歷:National Chengchi University · 教育背景:Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology · 地點:台北 · 500+ 位 LinkedIn 聯絡人。上 LinkedIn 查看Sungjun (Steven) Park (Ph.D.)的個人檔案,LinkedIn 是擁有 10 億會員的專業社群。

  3. National Chengchi University (NCCU) was founded in 1927. Over the past 8 decades through re-formation and development, we have been upholding our motto, “Harmony, Independence, Balance and Preeminence”, and have continued to refine our teaching methods and research in order to nurture talent for our country and society.

  4. 台湾政治大学(National Chengchi University),简称政治大学或政大(NCCU),创立于1927年,是位于中华人民共和国台北市文山区一所人文社科特别是文法商管传播领域的顶尖学府。作为台湾公认的台、清、交、成、政五大顶尖高校之一,政治大学已通过AACSB商业认证、会计认证以及欧洲管理发展基金会 ...

  5. National Chengchi University was founded in 1927 and has upheld its motto of “Harmony, Independence, Balance and Pre-eminence” since then. NCCU has continued to refine their teaching methods and research in order to nurture talent for Taiwan and its society. Located in Wenshan District, Taipei City, NCCU leans on the foothills of Zhinan ...

  6. National Chengchi University ... University students and faculty, institute members, and independent researchers. Corporate, government, or NGO researcher.

  7. 由忠義育幼院謝小琪副執行長以簡報方式,向戴老師及同學介紹忠義育幼院之創立與沿革經過,並說明其目前之兒少照顧模式。. 本校自民國16年創立,民國43年在臺復校,迄今歷經95年,其間雖經改制、遷校,但始終秉持和諧、自主、均衡、卓越之創校宗旨 ...