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  1. Section 1. Short title and commencement. This Act may be cited as the Mental Health Act 2001.

  2. Act 615 MENTAL HEALTH ACT 2001 Home Principal Act; Act 615 Timeline Subsidiary Legislation Brief Description Total Act Views Sep 2001 ... Publication Date: 27/09/2001 Royal Assent Date: 06/09/2001 Commencement Remark: 15-06-2010, [P.U.(B) 269/2010] Total Act Views 01 Jan 2002 ...

  3. kesihatan mental masyarakat, mengikut mana-mana yang berkenaan, dan penyeliaan kakitangan perubatan, kakitangan rawatan, kakitangan teknikal dan kakitangan sampingan yang diambil kerja di hospital,

  4. an act to provide for the involuntary admission to approved centres of persons suffering from mental disorders, to provide for the independent review of the involuntary admission of such persons and, for those purposes, to provide for the establishment of a mental health commission and the appointment of mental health commission tribunals and ...

  5. WHO collates and provides external links to resources focusing on mental health, disability, general health, human rights and development but does not specifically endorse particular laws, policies, plans or other documents from countries or organisations.

  6. Although the Mental Health Act was passed by Parliament in 2001, it only came into operation much later in 2010 when the Mental Health Regulations also came into force. Broadly, the Mental Health Act provides two ways in which an individual can be admitted into a psychiatric hospital:

  7. 2001. Isi kandungan. Act 615 is yet to be enforced, and prior to the enforcement, Mental Disorders Ordinance 1952 [Ord. 31 of 1952], Mental Health Ordinance (Sarawak) 1961 [Sarawak Ord. 16 of 1961], Lunatics Ordinance (Sabah) 1951 [Sabah Cap 74] are still applicable. Lampiran-lampiran.

  8. There is one main mental health law in Malaysia- The Mental Health Act 2001. Essentially this law addresses lawful detention of an individual who lacks the mental capacity to make an informed decision. It also protects the said individual from abuse or mistreatment.

  9. Under section 52 of the Mental Health Act 2001 (“ Mental Health Ac t”), the court has the power to order an inquiry to determine if because of a mental disorder, a person is incapable of managing himself and his affairs.

  10. May 24, 2023 · “The amendments on the Mental Health Act 2001 or Act 561 was intended following the decriminalisation of suicide attempts under the Penal Code (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2023 that has been passed on Monday.

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