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  1. Founded in 1958 by Rev. Bro. Paul Sun, it was the first secondary school located in Kwun Tong. It is a Catholic school affiliated with the Diocese of Hong Kong. The patron saint of the school is Saint Joseph, and the school anniversary day is 19 March, the feast of St. Joseph.

  2. This is my 5 th year working as Principal of St. Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese School and it is time to sit back and reflect what we have accomplished so far. Academically, we strove for the enhancement of the overall performance of all Josephians both internally in the school and externally in public examinations.

  3. a. Cultivate students’ sense of civic pride; b. Foster students’ sense of belonging towards school; and: c. Promote holistic personal development among students.

  4. 聖若瑟英文中學 St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School. 辦學宗旨:本著基督仁愛精神辦學,提供靈、德、智、體、群、美並重的天主教全人教育,令學生的學行均「臻於至善」,並以「力行仁愛」精神服務社會。

  5. Work Plan (2023-2024) on the Grant Supporting for Non-Chinese Speaking Students. 31 / 10 / 2023

  6. 2019-2020. My heart, where the campus lives. 2019-2020 has been an absolutely challenging and unforgettable school year. Earlier in the year we experienced the social unrest followed by a worldwide epidemic.

  7. St. Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese Primary School . External Links. Hong Kong Catholic Diocese. Education Bureau. Hong Kong Education City. Hong Kong Examination ...