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  1. 5 hours ago · This report profiles key players of Gluten Free Oat Flour such as Grain Millers, Richardson International, Quaker Oats Company, Morning Foods Ltd and Raisio. In 2023, the global top Five Gluten ...

  2. 15 hours ago · Potatoes: Fresh and perfect for your meals at just RM1.95 per kg (valid from 15-16 July 2024). Mi Sedaap: Enjoy the Jumbo Mi Goreng Asli 4x139gm pack for only RM6.29 (valid from 15-17 July 2024). Quaker Oats: Get Whole Rolled Oats 800gm for RM9.30, and receive a free glass mug with your purchase (valid from 15-17 July 2024).

  3. 15 hours ago · SAMOSIR - SEGARIS.CO - Bupati Samosir Vandiko T. Gultom, meresmikan Gerakan Pangan Murah (GPM) di Kompleks Kantor Camat Simanindo, yang bertujuan untuk menstabilkan pasokan dan harga pangan di Kabupaten Samosir serta mengendalikan inflasi daerah, pada Senin (15/07/2024).

  4. 15 hours ago · We are offering $ of our notes due 20 (the “notes”). The notes will bear interest at the per annum rate set forth herein and will mature on , 20 . We will pay interest on the

  5. 15 hours ago · The divide in this nation has never been wider, except possibly in 1860 or so. And above all, there are evil forces at work out there, forces we can't even begin to comprehend. And now, apparently, the gloves are off. Batten down the hatches, folks. It's only going to get crazier as the election grows closer. Posted by Patrice Lewis at 4:44 AM.

  6. 15 hours ago · SAMOSIR - SEGARIS.CO - Polres Samosir menggelar Apel Gelar Pasukan sebagai tanda dimulainya Operasi Patuh Toba 2024 pada Senin, 15 Juli 2024, di Lapangan Mako Polres Samosir dipimpin Kapolres AKBP Yogie Hardiman.

  7. 15 hours ago · SIMALUNGUN - SEGARIS.CO - Tim Polsek Panei Tongah Polres Simalungun mengungkap kasus peredaran narkoba di depan kios ponsel di Jalan Umum Panei Tongah, Desa Marjandi Embong, Kecamatan Panombean Panei, Kabupaten Simalungun, Minggu (14/07/2024).