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  1. Thomas Jefferson (født 13. april 1743, død 4. juli 1826) var USA's 3. præsident, 1801-1809. Han var kendt som visionær reformator – og opfinder, landmand, musiker og videnskabsmand og var en fremtrædende repræsentant for oplysningstidens dannelsesideal, der med andre skrev Uafhængighedserklæringen.

  2. 13 Apr 2019 · 11. His wife had a curious connection to his mistress. Jefferson was married for just 10 years before his wife, Martha Wayles, died in 1782 at age 33 of unknown causes. Curiously, Jefferson’s ...

  3. Thomas Jefferson (13. travnja 1743. – 4.srpnja 1826.) bio je jedan od osnivača Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, glavni autor Deklaracije o nezavisnosti i treći Predsjednik SAD-a (1801. – 1809.Na početku Američke revolucije, služio je u kontinentalnom kongresu predstavljajući državu Virginiju, a nakon toga služio je i kao ratni guverner Virginije (1779. – 1781.

  4. Thomas Jefferson. A scientist, an Enlightenment philosopher, and one of the most accomplished—and complicated—personalities in American history, Thomas Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence and served his country as statesman, diplomat, and president. In 1803, during his first term as president, he orchestrated the Louisiana ...

  5. Confined for long hours in the hot, smoky workshop, the boys hammered out 5,000 to 10,000 nails a day, producing a gross income of $2,000 in 1796. Jefferson’s competition for the nailery was the ...

  6. Thomas Jefferson often consulted with Lafayette during the drafting of this French declaration of rights in July 1789. Jefferson's immersion in the French Revolution and his influence on the Republican leaders can be seen in the surviving documents. In a July 9, 1789 letter to Jefferson, General Lafayette (1757–1834) asked for Jefferson's ...

  7. Presidency of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson served as the third president of the United States from March 4, 1801, to March 4, 1809. Jefferson assumed the office after defeating incumbent John Adams in the 1800 presidential election. The election was a political realignment in which the Democratic-Republican Party swept the Federalist ...

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