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  1. 55555 in five APs. 720, 720, 700 in three SAT subject tests. SATR at 1410 (minimum 620 in Maths and 650 in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing) in one sitting. 5 in one AP subject and 720, 720 in two SAT subject tests. 55 in two AP subjects and 720 in one SAT subject test. A*AA. 555 in three AP subjects.

  2. Feb 8, 2023 · 30 Nov 2023. The College has completed work on a year-long conservation of its Chapel roof and has begun installation of 438 new solar panels. Restoration of the Chapel roof had become increasingly urgent once its lead roof covering exceeded its natural lifespan, meaning it was no longer watertight. The College recognised a once-in-a ...

  3. Glasgow, UK. See the Gothic Chapel. Oct 2021. Founded in 1441 by King Henry VI, the Late Gothic Chapel of King's College has the largest fan-shaped ceiling in the world. The chapel is decorated with a painting by Rubens "The Adoration of the Magi". Also, pay attention to the stained glass windows. Read more.

  4. The first radio broadcast from King’s was a Sunday service on 2 May 1926. Then in 1927 and 1929 the new HMV mobile van visited Cambridge to record the choirs of King’s and St John’s. Mann was dissatisfied with the result, however, and only two of the recorded tracks were released - Bach's ‘Auf! Auf!

  5. In 2019-20, for example, the median weekly rent charged to first-year undergraduates at King’s was cheaper than at 17 of the other 29 Cambridge colleges surveyed; and the median annual rent charged across all undergraduate students at King’s was cheaper than at 19 of these other 29 Cambridge colleges. King's College accommodation is ...

  6. King’s is an inspirational place to study Classics, and has one of the largest Classics communities in the University. You benefit from: long and lively meetings of the King’s Classical Society. 24/7 access to the College Library. close proximity to the Faculty (5 minutes walk [there’s a challenge!])

  7. The Department of Engineering is one of the largest in the university with over 1000 undergraduates and 350 research students. King's College admits about nine undergraduates and about five or six graduates to study Engineering each year. Many undergraduates have spent a year in industry, often with a sponsoring firm, between school and university.