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  1. John Locke was born 29 August 1632 in Wrington, Somerset, England. He was brought up in Pensford, near Bristol. In 1642, when Locke was ten years old, the English civil war broke out. His father served as a captain for the Parliamentarians under Oliver Cromwell. After the Civil War ended in 1646, Locke aged 14, was sent to Westminster School in ...

  2. All essayists must register here by 11:59PM BST on 31 May 2024. Enter your email address below to: Register (if this is your first time here) or Login (if you have already registered). Login / Register.

  3. John Locke menuliskan karyanya ini semasa ia dalam pengungsian di negara Belanda, yakni antara tahun 1683 hingga 1689 dengan naskah asli berbahasa latin dengan judul Epistola de Tolerantia. Dalam tulisannya ini, John Locke menyatakan bahwa negara seharusnya tidak ikut campur terlalu dalam atas permasalahan agama rakyatnya.

  4. John Locke was born at Wrington, a village in Somerset, on August 29, 1632. He was the son of a country solicitor and small landowner who, when the civil war broke out, served as a captain of horse in the parliamentary army. "I no sooner perceived myself in the world than I found myself in a storm," he wrote long afterwards, during the lull in ...

  5. › wiki › John_LockeJohn Locke - Wikipedia

    John Locke (n. 29 august 1632, Wrington ⁠ (d), North Somerset, Anglia, Regatul Unit – d. 28 octombrie 1704, High Laver ⁠ (d), Epping Forest, Anglia, Regatul Unit) a fost un filosof și om politic englez din secolul al XVII-lea, preocupat mai ales de societate și epistemologie . Locke este figura emblematică a celor trei mari tradiții ...

  6. Sep 2, 2001 · John Locke (b. 1632, d. 1704) was a British philosopher, Oxford academic and medical researcher. Locke’s monumental An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689) is one of the first great defenses of modern empiricism and concerns itself with determining the limits of human understanding in respect to a wide spectrum of topics.

  7. John Locke was born in Somerset, England, August 29, 1632. He was the eldest son of Agnes Keene, daughter of a small-town tanner, and John Locke, an impecunious Puritan lawyer who served as a clerk for justices of the peace. When young Locke was two, England began to stumble toward its epic constitutional crisis. The Stuart King Charles I, who ...

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