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  1. Allen Newell. I met Allen for the first time when I came for a two semester long visit to Carnegie Mellon University in 1968. This encounter was a distinct factor in my later decision to join the facul- ty at Carnegie Mellon University. I interacted with Allen much more closely when I became department head in 1979.

  2. Jul 20, 1992 · Allen Newell, a founder of the field of artificial intelligence and a leader in the study of human thinking, died yesterday at Montefiore Hospital in Pittsburgh. He was 65 years old and lived in ...

  3. Allen Newell (* 19. března 1927, San Francisco, Kalifornie, USA – † 19. července 1992, Pittsburgh, Pensylvánie) byl americký informatik a kognitivní vědec. Pracoval v RAND Corporation jako výzkumník na poli umělé inteligence a kognitivní psychologie. V roce 1975 dostal spolu s Herbertem Simonem Turingovu cenu.

  4. Jun 12, 1991 · Newell discusses his entry into computer science, funding for computer science departments and research, the development of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, and the growth of the computer science and artificial intelligence research communities.

  5. AI couldn’t exist today without the pioneering work of visionaries like Alan Turing, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert A. Simon, as well as the contemporary trailblazers Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio, and Yann LeCun.

  6. Besides being a status report on the Soar project, Unified Theories of Cognition is Allen Newell’s attempt at directing the field of Cognitive Science by example. Newell argues that his approach to "unification," which involves the programmed extension of a single piece of software-architecture-as-theory to as many psychological domains as possible, is the proper research methodology for ...

  7. Alan C. Newell, Regents' Professor of Mathematics at the University of Arizona, was born in Dublin on Guy Fawkes day in 1941. He currently lives and enjoys the outdoor life in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife Tish who deserves most of the credit for bringing up two sons, Jamie and Matt, and two daughters, Shane and Pippa, each of whom makes their parents very proud.