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  1. This woman is on a mission to make science free for all. People calling Alexandra Elbakyan a hero for single-handedly taking on the publishing industry. This...

  2. The best way to contact me is by email: I'm also available on Telegram: @mindwrapper on ВКонтакте: alexandra.elbakyan on Academia: alexandra on Twitter: @ringo_ring on ResearchGate: Alexandra-Elbakyan on Facebook: alexandra.elbakyan check rarely

  3. Dec 15, 2023 · 亚历山德拉·阿萨诺芙娜·埃尔巴金 (俄语: Алекса́ндра Аса́новна Элбакя́н [2] ;1988年11月6日 — )是一位 哈萨克斯坦 籍研究生、 [3] 计算机程序员以及 Sci-Hub 的创建者。. [4] [5] 自然期刊 将她列为2016年度十大科学人物之一。. [6] 其事迹曾被用来与 ...

  4. Apr 20, 2021 · Alexandra Elbakyan: The history of Sci-Hub logo is less intriguing than it appears to be. When Sci-Hub started in 2011, its first logo was a simple Soviet hammer and sickle, and when the mouse pointer hovered upon it, a text showed up stating: “Communism is … common ownership of the means of production with free access to articles of ...

  5. Jul 28, 2023 · The Electronic Frontier Foundation will award Alexandra Elbakyan, founder of the 'pirate' library Sci-Hub, for her efforts to provide access to scientific knowledge. According to EFF, Elbakyan's ...

  6. Alexandra Asanovna Elbakyan là một lập trình viên người Kazakhstan, người tạo ra trang web Sci-Hub, được xem là một "cướp biển lẩn trốn" trên Internet" & "Nữ hoàng cướp biển trong khoa học". Tạp chí Nature đã liệt kê cô vào năm 2016 là Top 10 người có ảnh hưởng đến khoa học, Ars Technica so sánh cô như là Aaron Swartz, và ...

  7. Apr 3, 2016 · Meet Alexandra Elbakyan, the developer of Sci-Hub, a Pirate Bay-like site for the science nerd. It's a portal that offers free and searchable access "to most publishers, especially well-known ones