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  1. The striking Black-Throated Magpie Jay is a large, long-tailed bird. It has a conspicuous black crest and throat, a patch of blue on its eyebrows and under the eye, blue wings, a white-tipped tail, and a white underside. In the south of their range, their throats are more white with a thinner black band.

  2. Gymnorhina tibicen. Adorning the skies and lands of Australia, the Australian Magpie is a striking black and white bird known for its rich, melodious song. This sociable bird, often found in large groups, is a familiar sight in open country, parks, and gardens. With an impressive lifespan and stable population, the Australian Magpie holds a ...

  3. 11 Feb 2024 · Magpie Symbolism Far Eastern Magpie Symbolism. In the vibrant tapestry of Far Eastern culture, magpies perch as harbingers of joy and prosperity.This bird symbolizes good fortune sweeping across China, Japan, and Korea, much like a lucky charm shimmering in the sky.. Stories tell of its role in the Qixi Festival, sometimes referred to as Chinese Valentine’s Day when it is believed that ...

  4. What Is A Magpie? A Magpie is a distinctive bird that belongs to the Corvidae family, which includes crows, ravens, and jays. Recognized for their intelligence comparable to that of some mammals, they are social creatures with complex behaviors. Plumage: Characterized by their bold black and white plumage, magpies are visually striking.In certain light, you’ll notice an iridescence of green ...

  5. Exotic species. Naturalized. Provisional. Large, conspicuous, black-and-white bird; related to crows and jays. Unmistakably long tail and bold pattern, especially visible in flight. Often spotted along roadsides in open country, fields, and towns. Social and inquisitive, often in small groups foraging on the ground.

  6. An uncommon alternative name for the Australian Magpie is Flute Bird. The magpie can mimic over 35 species of native and introduced bird species, as well as other animal calls, such as those of dogs and horses. Magpies have also been noted to mimic human speech, when living in close proximity to humans. When alone, a magpie will make a quiet ...

  7. The bird symbolizes the essence of Bangladesh – harmonious, resilient, and beautiful. Designated as the national bird, the Magpie Robin stands as an embodiment of the nation’s rich cultural tapestry and its aspirations. Its melodious call, reminiscent of traditional Bangladeshi music, evokes a sense of nostalgia and pride among the locals.

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