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  1. Antipakat. Hukum atau Undang-Undang " Antipakat " (antitrust) atau hukum/undang-undang persaingan, merupakan peraturan melawan kebiasaan dagang yang merendahkan persaingan atau dianggap tidak adil. Istilah antitrust diambil dari hukum Amerika Serikat yang awalnya dibuat untuk memerangi bisnis trust - sekarang umum dikenal sebagai kartel .

  2. › library › EncAntitrust - Econlib

    Origins Before 1890, the only “antitrust” law was the common law. Contracts that allegedly restrained trade (e.g., price-fixing agreements) often were not legally enforceable, but they did not subject the parties to any legal sanctions, either. Nor were monopolies illegal. Economists generally believe that monopolies and other restraints of trade are bad because they usually […]

  3. The antitrust laws are aimed at maintaining competition as the driving force of the US economy. The very word antitrust implies opposition to the giant trusts that began to develop after the Civil War. Until then, the economy was largely local; manufacturers, distributors, and retailers were generally small.

  4. Feb 22, 2024 · The proposed class of home buyers in 35 states including Florida, Nevada, Tennessee and Massachusetts seeks unspecified monetary damages under a combination of antitrust and consumer protection laws.

  5. The Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, codified at 15 U.S.C. 12-27, is one of the primary pieces of antitrust legislation in the United States. This act was designed to bolster the Sherman antitrust Act and outlaws the following conduct:

  6. Jul 29, 2020 · Antitrust laws ensure competition in a free and open market economy, which is the foundation of any vibrant economy. And healthy competition among sellers in an open marketplace gives consumers the benefits of lower prices, higher quality products and services, more choices, and greater innovation.

  7. Mar 16, 2022 · China March 16 2022. China has recently witnessed landscape reform in the antitrust regime at the end of 2021: the draft amendment (“Draft Amendment”) to the Anti-Monopoly Law (“AML”) was ...

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