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  1. The helpers after the arrest. The arrest of helpers Victor Kugler and Jo Kleiman left the two companies Gies & Co and Opekta without directors. Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl took over with the help of warehouse manager Willem van Maaren. Kugler and Kleiman were held in the Amsterdam prison for one month. Then they were transferred to Camp Amersfoort.

  2. At the request of Otto Frank, the helpers were awarded the Yad Vashem honorary title of ‘Righteous under the Nations’. It is an award for non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust to save Jews. On 4 April 1973, Kugler was presented with the Yad Vashem medal by the Israeli ambassador Meron in Toronto, where he lived. To the ...

  3. Mar 20, 2008 · Without Victor Kugler, Anne Frank and her family would have starved to death a month after going into hiding.For this heroism, Victor Kugler himself was arrested and sent to a series of German labor camps in Holland where he survived by his wits and finally escaped a few weeks before the end of the war. Several years after the end of the war ...

  4. Victor Kugler. Victor Kugler (* 5. Juni oder 6. Juni 1900 in Hohenelbe, Österreich-Ungarn; † 16. Dezember 1981 in Toronto) war ein österreichischer Unternehmer. Er half den jüdischen Familien der Anne Frank und van Pels und Fritz Pfeffer, sich während der deutschen Besatzung der Niederlande im Zweiten Weltkrieg vor Verfolgungen zu verstecken.

  5. Miep Gies is mainly known as the woman who saved Anne Frank's diary. She is one of the best-known helpers from World War II. She received countless letters from all over the world, with questions about Anne Frank and the period in hiding in the Secret Annex. These are the most frequently asked questions in an interview from 1992. When did you ...

  6. Fake name. After his escape during transport to Germany, Victor Kugler used a personal identification card in the name of Johannes Kuinders born 12 December 1900 in Soest, living at Da Costastraat 36 in Zwolle and working as an assistant at the PTT. This date of birth was a doubling of his actual date of birth of 6 June.

  7. Victor Kugler worked for Opekta and was one of the small group who helped those hiding in the Secret Annex. Person. Visit us. Anne Frank Huis Westermarkt 20