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  1. Otto von Bismarck. Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck (also Otto Furst von Bismarck), Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg, Prince of Bismarck (April 1, 1815 – July 30, 1898), was a Prussian and German statesman of the 19th century. As Minister-President of Prussia from 1862–90, he oversaw the unification of Germany.

  2. Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck (1. april 1815. – 30. juli 1898) bio je njemački državnik i političar. Od 1871. do 1890. godine, obavljao je dužnost prvog njemačkog kancelara . Imenovan je predsjednikom vlade i ministrom vanjskih poslova, a kao glavno načelo u rješavanju političkih pitanja istaknuo je geslo "krv i željezo". Cilj mu ...

  3. Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815. He belonged to a noble family of Prussian Saxony heritage. His early efforts in his career would actually be focused on Prussian politics and not German politics due to this heritage. Bismarck grew up in comfort in Farther Pomerania, which was, at this time, a province of Prussia.

  4. Apr 1, 2015 · A rămas contestat. În urmă cu 200 de ani, se năştea Otto von Bismarck. A fost o figură politică centrală a secolului al XIX-lea şi fondatorul Imperiului German în 1871. Era conservator ...

  5. The German statesman Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck (1815-1898) was largely responsible for the creation of the German Empire in 1871. A leading diplomat of the late 19th century, he was known as the Iron Chancellor. Otto von Bismarck, born at Schönhausen on April 1, 1815, to Ferdinand von Bismarck-Schönhausen and Wilhelmine Mencken ...

  6. Jul 30, 2012 · Otto von Bismarck in August 1890. Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince von Bismarck, prime minister of Prussia for almost thirty years and from 1871 to 1890 the first chancellor of the German Empire, which recognised him as its founder, died on July 30th, 1898, at his home at Friedrichsruh, near Hamburg. He was eighty-three.

  7. 签名. 奥托·愛德華·利奧波德·冯· 俾 bǐ 斯麦 (德語: Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck ;1815年4月1日—1898年7月30日),又称俾斯麥-申豪森伯爵( Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen ;1865年),俾斯麥親王( Fürst von Bismarck ;1871年), 勞恩堡 公爵 ( Herzog zu Lauenburg ;1890年 ...

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