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  1. Matt Dillon Dillon was born Matthew Raymond Dillon on Feb. 18, 1964, and raised in Mamaroneck, NY. His artistic-leaning family including a father who painted portraits and a pair of uncles who illustrated the famous comic strips "Flash Gordon" and "Blondie."

  2. Matthew Raymond "Matt" Dillon, nasceu em New Rochelle, Nova Iorque, a segunda geração de pais americano-irlandeses (Mary Ellen, uma doméstica, e Paul Dillon, um pintor de retratos e gerente de vendas da Union Camp). Foi educado numa família estritamente católico-romana como o segundo de seis filhos. Através do seu pai, Dillon é ...

  3. 16 Jun 2023 · In an exclusive interview with Parade Matt Dillon talks about his love for Cuban music, painting and telling good stories. His new movie is Wes Anderson’s 'Asteroid City.'

  4. 17 Nov 2020 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

  5. Matt Dillon. Matthew Raymond Dillon (nascut el 18 de febrer de 1964) és un actor nord-americà. Va començar a actuar a la darreria dels anys 1970 i va guanyar fama com a ídol adolescent durant els els anys vuitanta del segle xx. Ha dut a terme una reeixida carrera com a actor adult. Va tenir el moment més rellevant amb la nominació a l ...

  6. Wild Things. Sam Lombardo (Matt Dillon) hat als Schulpsychologe einen guten Draht zu den Schülern, doch eines Tages kommt es zum Skandal: Die Millionärstocher Kelly van Ryan (Denise Richards ...

  7. 21 Okt 2023 · Matt Dillon’s horse was a constant presence throughout the show’s 20-year run, appearing in most episodes and often playing a crucial role in the plot. The horse was a trusty steed that allowed Marshal Dillon to chase down criminals, travel across the vast expanse of the Old West, and form a bond with his fellow lawmen. ...

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