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  1. Jun 24, 2024 · Types of Igneous Rocks. Igneous rocks are broadly classified into two main types based on their formation location and cooling rate: Intrusive Igneous Rocks and Extrusive Igneous Rocks. Intrusive Igneous Rocks. Intrusive igneous rocks form below the Earth’s surface when magma cools and solidifies slowly over thousands to millions of years.

  2. Jul 1, 2024 · The diamonds are carried in volcanic magma, which cools and solidifies to form igneous rocks. These rocks, called kimberlites or lamproites, contain diamonds in their rough form. Weathering and erosion: Over time, the diamond-bearing rocks are exposed to the surface through weathering and erosion. The diamonds are then extracted through mining ...

  3. Jul 1, 2024 · Igneous Rocks Formation: Hypersthene is often found in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks, including gabbro, basalt, and peridotite. It crystallizes from molten rock (magma) as it cools and solidifies. The presence of magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe) in the magma is crucial for the formation of hypersthene.

  4. Jun 26, 2024 · Igneous rock - Assimilation, Magma, Crystallization: Another method of creating different daughter magmas from a parent is by having the latter react with its wall rocks. Consider a magma that is crystallizing pyroxene and labradorite. If the magma tears from its wall minerals, say, olivine and anorthite, which are formed earlier than pyroxene and labradorite in the series, they will react ...

  5. Jul 1, 2024 · Formation and Occurrence of Ruby. Rubies are formed deep within the Earth’s crust under intense heat and pressure. They are primarily found in metamorphic rocks such as marble, gneiss, and schist, as well as in some igneous rocks like basalt and syenite.

  6. Jun 26, 2024 · Igneous rock - Intrusive, Extrusive, Textures: The structure of an igneous rock is normally taken to comprise the mutual relationships of mineral or mineral-glass aggregates that have contrasting textures, along with layering, fractures, and other larger-scale features that transect or bound such aggregates. Structure often can be described only in relation to masses of rock larger than a hand ...

  7. Jul 1, 2024 · Geological formations where chalcedony is commonly found. Chalcedony is a mineral that can be found in a variety of geological formations, including sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, as well as in mineral veins and geodes. Some common geological formations where chalcedony is found include: