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  1. Aug 12, 2013 · Leslie L. Vadász was on the streets of Budapest during the protests and witnessed the momentous shift from peaceful demonstration to bloody revolution. In his oral history he recalled seeing “people with guns, people showing flags from the window with the Russian hammer and sickle cut out of it, and more and more evidence that there is ...

  2. › indexLeslie L. Lawrence

    ISBN 9786155781032. Valaki belő Leslie L. Lawrence ablakán, előkerül egy titokzatos matrjoska baba, Nalá kolostorát elöntik a kincsvadászok, Karcsig rinpócse utálja a piszkos és büdös szerzetesnőket, az őrült Dokpa be akarja foltozni a betegségek zsákját; miközben gyilkosság gyilkosságot követ a békés lámakolostorban.

  3. Mar 5, 2021 · Leslie L. Vadasz begins the first interview by describing his childhood in Budapest during World War II. Vadasz developed an early interest in mathematics and literature, and began an undergraduate mechanical engineering program before continuing in solid state physics at McGill University in Montreal. Vadasz worked on metal oxide semiconductor transistors at Transitron Corporation before...

  4. Leslie L. Vadász (born 1936 in Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian-American engineer and manager, one of the founding members of Intel Corporation. He holds a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from McGill University (1961) and completed AMP studies at Harvard University (1990).

  5. Leslie L. Lawrence későbbi tanítómestere, John C. Lendvay Barbadosra utazik, hogy megpróbálja … Leslie L. Lawrence későbbi tanítómestere, John C. Lendv… A vadász by Leslie L. Lawrence | Goodreads

  6. Oct 18, 2010 · Artifact Details. This oral history focuses mainly on Les’ business career, 35 years of which were spent at Intel. He immigrated to Canada from Hungary in 1956, where he attended McGill University. His first job was at Transitron in Silicon Valley where he learned the basics of semiconductor design and technology.

  7. Feb 11, 2019 · Az Intel 1971-ben készítette el a világ első, konzumer termékekbe szánt mikroprocesszorát, az Intel 4004-et, amelynek kifejlesztői között egy másik magyar emigráns is akadt: az 1936-ban született Leslie L. Vadász, azaz Vadász László. Charles Simonyi (1948-) – a szövegszerkesztő, táblázatkezelő