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  1. 鐵達時Solvil et Titus是始創於1887年的瑞士著名手錶品牌,梅豔芳、周潤發、劉德華等大牌明星為其代言,鐵達時手錶以浪漫愛情與知性的時尚品牌形象聞名於世。

  2. Jun 4, 2013 · Titus was Roman emperor from 79 to 81 CE. On June 24, 79 CE Titus Flavius Vespasianus succeeded his father Vespasian (r. 69-79 CE) as emperor of the Roman Empire.Prior to his ascension to the throne, he was considered by many as “…unpopular and venomously loathed,” yet after becoming emperor, “he became an object of universal love and adoration.”

  3. Titus. Titus adalah nama seorang laki-laki dalam bahasa Yunani/Romawi. Nama ini terutama dikenal dalam catatan bagian Perjanjian Baru di Alkitab Kristen sebagai seorang Kristen pada abad pertama Masehi yang mempunyai andil cukup besar dalam memelihara persatuan dan keutuhan dari sidang-sidang jemaat yang telah berdiri pada zaman gereja mula-mula.

  4. Titus 1:1 For the contextual rendering of the Greek word doulos, see Preface; Titus 1:2 Greek before times eternal; Titus 1:3 Or manifested his word; Titus 1:6 Or a man of one woman; Titus 1:6 Or are faithful; Titus 1:7 Or bishop; Greek episkopos; Titus 1:9 Or healthy; also verse 13; Titus 1:10 Or especially those of the circumcision; Titus 1: ...

  5. 1:13 Kesaksian itu benar. Karena itu tegorlah f mereka dengan tegas supaya mereka menjadi sehat dalam iman, g 1:14 dan tidak lagi mengindahkan dongeng-dongeng h Yahudi dan hukum-hukum i manusia yang berpaling dari kebenaran. j 1:15 Bagi orang suci semuanya suci 8 ; k tetapi bagi orang najis dan bagi orang tidak beriman suatupun tidak ada yang ...

  6. Book of. Titus. Key Information and Helpful Resources. Titus was a Greek follower of Jesus and, for years, a trusted coworker and travel companion to Paul. Titus had also helped Paul with crisis situations in the past ( Gal. 2:1-3 ; 2 Cor. 7-8 ). In this letter, we discover that Paul had assigned Titus the task of going to Crete, a large island ...

  7. Dec 21, 2016 · Watch our overview video on the book of Titus, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Titus, Paul commissions Titus to...

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