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  1. Step inside the world’s largest food and beverage company. We are Nestlé. The Good food, Good life company. We believe in the power of food to enhance lives. Good food nourishes and delights the senses. It helps pets to thrive, children to grow healthily and parents to age gracefully. It helps all of us to live life to the fullest.

  2. We have more than 2,000 brands, from global icons to local favorites. Browse a selection of our brands below, or search our A-Z brand list. Baby food. Water. Cereals. Chocolate & confectionery. Coffee. Culinary, chilled & frozen food. Dairy.

  3. Nestlé, ce sont plus de 50 marques au cœur de votre vie quotidienne. Vous les connaissez toutes, mais…sauriez-vous les citer ? En savoir plus

  4. Nestlé Indonesia adalah produsen makanan dan minuman terbesar di dunia yang berkantor pusat di Vevey, Swiss dan telah beroperasi selama 150 tahun

  5. In 1867 Henri Nestlé launched 'Farine Lactée'. In 1938 Nestlé launched Nescafé. Maggi joined the Nestlé family in 1947. Nestlé created the breakthrough Nespresso system in 1986, changing the way we experience premium coffee. In 2001 Nestlé bought US pet food business Ralston Purina.

  6. 1866 – 1904. The Nestlé company history begins in 1866, with the foundation of the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Henri Nestlé develops a breakthrough baby food in 1867 and in 1905 his company merges with Anglo-Swiss to form what we know as the Nestlé Group. Period highlights +.

  7. The Annual Report contains our Annual Review including Creating Shared Value highlights, the Corporate Governance & Compensation Reports and our Financial Statements. (pdf, 11MB) (pdf, 4MB) (pdf, 19MB) Explore Nestlé's 2023 Annual Report to find out more about the company’s strategy, highlights of the year and key figures.

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