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  1. Jun 5, 2024 · archINFORM homepage of Filippo Juvarra (*1678 †1736) – Italian architect, stage designer, draftsman and copperplate engraver [contains a list of buildings]

  2. Jun 10, 2024 · These include works by Filippo Juvarra for Cardinal Ottoboni’s theater, contained in the first two volumes of drawings by the architect from Messina.

  3. Jun 17, 2024 · The Reggia di Venaria, a former royal residence near Turin, Italy, is part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Built from 1675, it features Baroque architecture, extensive gardens, and interiors by Filippo Juvarra. After restoration, it opened to the public in 2007, attracting over a million visitors annually

  4. Jun 12, 2024 · He trained (1725–33) under Carl Friedrich Pöppelmann (d. 1750) in Dresden and Warsaw before returning to Copenhagen, where he became Court Architect and was largely responsible for laying out the Frederiksstaden Quarter, with its octagonal Amalienborg Square (1750–5), the finest and most noble composition of its time in Denmark, influenced ...

  5. Jun 6, 2024 · Bau durch Filippo Juvarra: 1739–1789: Weiterer Ausbau zum Residenzschloss unter der Leitung von Benedetto Alfieri nach Skizzen Juvarras

  6. Jun 8, 2024 · Designed by architect Filippo Juvarra, the palazzina is renowned for its Baroque and Rococo architectural style, featuring opulent interiors adorned with frescoes, stuccoes, and intricate decorations.

  7. Jun 12, 2024 · Filippo Juvarra, Altare del Corpus Domini, 1721-1724, Torino, Basilica del Corpus Domini. DESCRIZIONE: Situato nella seconda cappella a destra, intitolata a san Giuseppe, è stato realizzato tra il 1721 e il 1724 da Filippo Juvarra, ma non si conosce il nome del generoso committente.