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  1. 4 hari yang lalu · Rudolf Wolf was a Swiss astronomer and astronomical historian. Wolf studied at the universities of Zürich, Vienna, and Berlin and in 1839 went to the University of Bern as a teacher of mathematics and physics; he became professor of astronomy there in 1844.

  2. 12 Jun 2024 · Before the ‘Swiss Psalm’, the nation used ‘When You Call, My Country’ – as translated from the original German, ‘Rufst du, mein Vaterland’ – as its unofficial anthem. Johann Rudolf Wyss composed it in 1811, and it was set to the melody of ‘God Save the King’.

  3. 6 jam yang lalu · 魯道夫·沃夫(1816-1893) 約翰·魯道夫·沃夫(Johann Rudolf Wolf,1816年7月7日-1893年12月6日)是瑞士天文學家和數學家,以研究太陽黑子而著名。 沃夫出生於蘇黎世附近的法蘭登(Fällanden)。他曾在蘇黎世、維也納和柏林等地的大學求學。恩克(Encke)是他的老師之一。

  4. 26 Jun 2024 · In 1899, he sold it to another man - chocolate manufacturer Johann Rudolf Sprungli-Schifferli. Once you're done pronouncing that tongue-twister of a name, here's the story of the chocolate we cannot do without.

  5. 26 Jun 2024 · Zitierweise Werdmüller, Johann Rudolf, Indexeintrag: Deutsche Biographie, [26.06.2024].

  6. 18 Jun 2024 · Johann Rudolf Wolf (* 7. Juli 1816 in Fällanden bei Zürich; † 6. Dezember 1893 in Zürich) war ein Schweizer Astronom und Mathematiker. Er gilt als Pionier der Astronomie in der Schweiz und war von 1864 bis 1893 erster Direktor der von ihm gegründeten Eidgenössischen Sternwarte. Leben.

  7. 10 Jun 2024 · Swiss Family Robinson, American family-adventure film, released in 1960, that is considered a Disney classic. It was adapted from the 1812 novel by Johann Rudolf Wyss and his father, Johann David Wyss.