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  1.新聞 am730. BBC. 信報財經新聞. 香港電台-國際 • 18 小時前. 拜登發表全國講話籲降低政治溫度 須以投票而非子彈解決分歧. 美國總統拜登就前總統特朗普被槍擊事件,發表全國電視講話,呼籲國民降低政治溫度,並記住,當有不同意見時,大家不是敵人,而是鄰居、朋友、同事和同胞。...

  2. 港聞 6小時前. 載入更多. 全方位多角度的香港新聞即時新聞城中熱話網上熱話專題報道中國及國際新聞。.

  3. An extensive list of Hong Kong newspapers including Oriental Daily News, Ming Pao, Sing Tao, Apple Daily, Hong Kong Economic Times and South China Morning Post. Related →. Hong Kong newspapers and news sites. Oriental Daily News (Chinese: 東方日報) One of the most the most widely circulated daily newspapers in Hong Kong.

  4. 即時娛樂. 11小時前. 繞場一週|馬會支持青年赴內地研學新質生產力. 「新質生產力」近來成為重要關鍵詞。 Jessie知道馬會近日贊助由中國旅遊集團香港中旅集團主辦的新質生產力香港青年研學團」,協辦的香港童軍總會將派出約100名青年童軍成員參加下月出發往內地交流機會難得。 「新質生產力香港青年研學團」啟動禮上周六在大館舉行,Jessie亦有幸與眾嘉賓見證參與研學團的童軍準備出發,於8月3日至10日到訪北京、上海及杭州,拜會航天科技、飛機工程、創新和綠色. 社會資訊. 22小時前. 69歲林青霞跌落床撞裂兩肋骨! 忍痛負傷出席演講再染新冠肺炎. 現年69歲的影后林青霞去年獲香港大學頒授名譽社會科學博士學位,表揚其藝術文化貢獻。

  5. 馬克龍批准總理阿塔爾辭職請求但要求他繼續處理日常政務. 2024-07-17 HKT 03:16.

  6. Latest Hong Kong news, updates, opinions and analysis, including on Hong Kong politics, the national security law, economy, society and weather.

  7. All the latest news, opinions and analysis on Hong Kong, China, Asia and around the world.

  8. www.chinadailyhk.comChina Daily

    Read breaking and latest news from Hong Kong, nation, Asia and around the world. Politics, Business, Entertainment, Sports and more at a click.

  9. Jul 1, 2022 · Chinese leader Xi Jinping leaves Hong Kong. Chinese leader Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan have departed Hong Kong for mainland China after attending the inauguration ceremony of the city’s...

  10. Oct 1, 2019 · Beijing officials have hinted at the possible deployment of troops in Hong Kong, and Chinese paramilitary police have recently held large drills in the bordering city of Shenzhen.