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  1. 3 days ago · Hector and the Search for Happiness. 上映日:2015年06月13日. 製作国: イギリス. ドイツ. カナダ. 南アフリカ. 上映時間:119分. ジャンル: コメディ. アドベンチャー・冒険. 3.8. あらすじ. 精神科医のヘクターは、美人でしっかり者の恋人クララと一緒に、ロンドンで何一つ不自由のない生活を送っていた。 しかし、毎日患者たちの不幸話を聞き続けていくうちに、自分自身の人生も価値の無い物のように思えてきてしまう。 「幸せって、なんだろう…? どこにあるんだろう? 」ヘクターは答えを求めて、旅に出ることを決意する。 イギリスを旅立ち、中国からチベット、アフリカ、そしてアメリカへ。 行く先々でとんでもないハプ… 続きを読む. 監督.

  2. 3 days ago · There are two forms of happiness—hedonic and eudaimonic—but only one of them lasts. Hedonic happiness is all the pleasures of the senses—it's fun but short-lived. Eudaimonic happiness is the ...

  3. Sep 4, 2024 · In the words of the philosopher Eric Hoffer, “The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.” The idea is that the more we value happiness the higher expectations we set for our happiness—high expectations we are more likely to miss. When we miss them, we may become disappointed and discontented.

  4. Sep 4, 2024 · Sometimes to find yourself you need to get a little lost. Quand il réalise que ses patients sont heureux, Hector, un psychanalyste londonien entre en crise…. Il se met alors à la recherche du bonheur en parcourant le globe. Toutes les informations sur le film Hector and the Search for Happiness.

  5. Sep 11, 2024 · 영문판 및 영화 제목: Hector and the Search for Happiness. 번역본: 꾸뻬씨의 행복여행. 프랑수아 를로르 의 첫 번째 소설이다. 작가가 파리 르네 데카르트 대학 병원에서 정신과 과장으로 근무하며 현대인들의 정신질환을 자신의 임상 경험을 바탕으로 한 글쓰기로 ...

  6. Sep 15, 2024 · Tackling themes of depression, loneliness, and the search for human connection, Happiness is an unconventional dark comedy that offers a unique perspective on the lives of its damaged and deeply flawed characters. Among this ensemble of interconnected lives is Bill Maplewood, a psychiatrist struggling with his own dark secrets while attempting ...

  7. 5 days ago · Rosamund Pike is starring in Inter Alia at the National Theatre in London. Rosamund Pike is a multi-award winning British actor, whose credits include Saltburn (Golden Globe nominee), I Care A Lot (Golden Globe winner), Gone Girl and An Education.