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  1. Sep 4, 2024 · London Has Fallen. For fans of: the Olympus Has Fallen franchise. After the death of the British prime minister, the world's most powerful leaders gather in London to pay their respects. Without warning, terrorists unleash a devastating attack that leaves the city in chaos and ruins.

  2. Sep 2, 2024 · Gerard Butler’s Has Fallen series has become an unexpected blockbuster action franchise, and its next installment will shake up the series in one significant way. The series began in 2013 with Olympus Has Fallen, best described as “ Die Hard in the White House.

  3. Sep 3, 2024 · Directed by Antoine Fuqua, the 2013 American action thriller Olympus Has Fallen followed a North Korean-led guerrilla assault on the White House and focused on former Secret Service agent Mike...

  4. Sep 9, 2024 · A spinoff series to Gerard Butler's 2013 action thriller Olympus Has Fallen will expand the film franchise into television. Pairs Has Fallen will feature a brand new cast of characters but will begin a new chapter of the Has Fallen action franchise that began with Butler's now-classic film.

  5. Sep 20, 2024 · Fuqua’s film “Olympus Has Fallen” marked the beginning of a successful film franchise. Olympus Has Fallen” kicked off a gripping film series, showcasing Antoine Fuqua’s talent for delivering high-stakes action and suspense. He has worked with renowned cinematographers such as Mauro Fiore and Oliver Wood.

  6. Sep 22, 2024 · Olympus was followed in 2016 by London Has Fallen, in which, ditto, but with Pakistani terrorists, in London.

  7. 3 days ago · Olympus Has Fallen. 上映日:2013年06月08日. 製作国: アメリカ. 上映時間:120分. ジャンル: アクション. 配給: アスミック・エース. 3.6. あらすじ. ”鉄壁の要塞”ホワイトハウスが、たった13分で占拠され、15分後には敵を守る【難攻不落の要塞】となった。 前代未聞のテロを遂行したアジア人テロリストの要求は二つ。 「日本海域からの米国第七艦隊の撤収」「韓国と北朝鮮の間にある軍事境界線(非武装中立地帯)から米軍28,500名の撤退」。 大統領を人質に取られたうえ、特殊部隊の突入も失敗、ペンタゴン最高司令部は絶望的な苦境に立たされる。 誰もが諦めかけたその… 続きを読む. 監督. アントワーン・フークア. 脚本. カトリン・ベネディクト. 出演者.

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