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  1. 20 hours ago · Shenzhen Technology University Business School Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Business School of SZTU is seeking for Professors Globally Position: Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor at the Business School of Shenzhen Technology University Position Typ... Posted - July 3, 2024. Apply now Save Job. View All Jobs. Find Jobs by ...

  2. Jun 26, 2024 · [南方都市报]锚定建成中国特色世界一流职业技术大学目标 深圳职业技术大学今年新增9个本科专业. 2024.06.26. [深圳商报]赋能新质生产力 应答时代新命题 深职大:职教高质量发展,好风正扬帆. 2024.06.26. [南方+]深职大校园开放日举办,今年首次在广东省外招本科生. 2024.06.25. [深圳商报]深圳职业技术大学举行校园开放日活动...

  3. 6 days ago · Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) aims to establish itself as an international, high-level and demonstrative university of research and technology with Chinese characteristic and global...

  4. 5 days ago · Recently, Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU) has signed cooperation agreements with Fulda University of Applied Sciences in Germany, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland in Austria,...

  5. Jun 6, 2024 · In a milestone in building a new type of Chinese research-oriented institution, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology last week, the university said on Wednesday.

  6. 6 days ago · Shenzhen Technology University (SZTU)’s open day, held on June 22, attracted over 5,000 participants offline. Detailed information on enrollment plans, university development, curriculum...

  7. Jun 6, 2024 · In a milestone in building a new type of Chinese research-oriented institution, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology last week, the university said on Wednesday.